Pesatura animali
Determinazione densità
Controllo peso
Pesatura sotto bilancia
Sensori infrarossi







The PM series scales are equipped with an innovative weighing system based on RADWAG's MonoBLOCKTM technology. This allows you to carry out weighings with divisions of 0.01g up to a load of 15kg, and with divisions of 0.1g up to a load of 50kg. Use of the new measurement system patented by Radwag guarantees the stability of the repeatability characteristics over time calculated according to sd<1d. This unique solution is characterized by a very low level of sensitivity to changing environmental conditions. An integrated 4-point system protects the scale from overloads, ensuring safety if excessive loads are placed on the scale plate.

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DescriptionCapacityDivisionEDimensioni PiattoOmologazione M
PM 10.4Y10 Kg0.01 g0.01 g200 x 185 mmX
PM 15.4Y15 Kg0.01 g0.01 g200 x 185 mm
PM 20.4Y20 Kg0.01 g0.01 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 25.4Y25 Kg0.1 g0.1 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 35.4Y35 Kg0.1 g0.1 g400 x 500 mm
PM 50.4Y50 Kg0.01 g0.01 g400 x 500 mm
PM 60.4Y60 Kg0.2 g0.2 g200 x 185 mmX
PM 60.05.4Y60 Kg0.5 g0.5 g200 x 185 mm
PM 60.1.4Y60 Kg1 g1 g350 x 260 mmX
PM 120.4Y120 Kg0.2 g0.2 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 10.4Y B10 Kg0.01 g0.01 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 15.4Y B15 Kg0.01 g0.01 g400 x 500 mm
PM 20.4Y B20 Kg0.01 g0.01 g400 x 500 mm
PM 25.4Y B25 Kg0.1 g0.1 g200 x 185 mmX
PM 35.4Y B35 Kg0.1 g0.1 g200 x 185 mm
PM 50.4Y B20 Kg0.1 g0.1 g350 x 260 mmX
PM 60.4Y B60 Kg0.1 g0.1 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 60.05.4Y B60 Kg0.5 g0.5 g347 x 259 mmX
PM 60.1.4Y B60 Kg1 g1 g400 x 500 mm
PM 120.4Y B120 Kg0.2 g0.2 g400 x 500 mm