E2R System







The E2R program is a modular system, designed to manage a complex amount of data relating to the weighing and production process. Thanks to its modularity it becomes a very flexible and adaptable system to the different needs of customers.
A dedicated database ensures reliable operation of the system and the possibility of cooperation between the various modules. This is especially important when you are collecting data from a continuous manufacturing process, where a problem could halt production.
The system is also compatible with various administrative and accounting software. The data is saved in databases based on MS SQL 2008 R2.

“E2R Weighing Records” is a module developed to maintain and store a series of weighings from Radwag scales or networked systems.
Particularly useful in processes where the weighed products are not strictly linked to other types of data. Useful for monitoring a continuous line.

The “Weighing” module allows the recording of weights from the indicator with the +/- weight control function. Configuration which minimizes the operator's activity during the weighing process.
The scales in communication with the “E2R weighing” module can be monitored in real time by activating the “E2R SyncManager” application, which allows monitoring of the status of the connected machines (On or Off), of the operations in progress (which operator is active, which product is selected, which customer the goods are intended for, for example).

“E2R Transactions” allows you to keep track of weighings carried out by networked scales. A common feature where the weighing process goes hand in hand with production order data.
Data can be imported or exported from accounting or production management systems.
“E2R Transactions” is based on MS SQL 2008 R2 databases, and designed for environments where the production process is based on transactions or production orders.

The “E2R Formulas” module allows the weighing of different ingredients that make up a ricotta on one or more
platforms following a production order.
The software also allows the possibility of defining recipes with thresholds and tolerances for each ingredient and the reporting of fulfilled production orders. “E2R Formulas” is based on MS SQL 2008 R2 database.

The module allows remote control over the measurement process performed on multiple Radwag moisture analyzers connected via Ethernet.
The data is stored in MS SQL 2008 R2 database. The processed data allows the generation of graphs and reports of the weighing processes. It has practical application in laboratories and production plants that use RADWAG moisture analyzers for systematic monitoring of production processes. It is an indispensable tool in places where real- ime control, archiving and analysis of drying data is required.

The module allows remote control over the measurement process performed on multiple Radwag moisture analyzers connected via Ethernet.
The data is stored in MS SQL 2008 R2 database. The processed data allows the generation of graphs and reports of the weighing processes. It has practical application in laboratories and production plants that use RADWAG moisture analyzers for systematic monitoring of production processes. It is an indispensable tool in places where real- ime control, archiving and analysis of drying data is required.

The E2R KTP (or CPG) module is a module designed to cooperate with Radwag scales used in the statistical control process of production batches of pre-packaged materials. Its main function, in addition to the synchronization of product and operator databases, is the recording of weighings and CPG checks performed on scales with PUE 7 or HY terminals connected to the Ethernet network. The system allows real- ime supervision of the scales. The progress of the control is displayed on the screen in the form of a graph with the weight values. Furthermore, you have a view of the status of the control and the parameters set. It is also possible to start or stop the control from the PC station. All data relating to weighings and related batch controls are archived in a database based on MS SQL 2008 R2.

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E2R Weighing Records
E2R Weighing (include E2R reports)
E2R Transaction (include E2R reports)
E2R Formulas (include E2R reports)
E2R KTP – software + license
E2R – additional license